Feeling Understood

Feeling Understood

Water Over Rocks, 2017 acrylic on stretched canvas box, 12x12x3inches For sale, ask about it linda.s.berkowitz@gmail.com

In attempting to convey our thoughts and feelings we choose words with care, and sometimes with difficulty in an attempt to be understood. It can be frustrating and lonely when we don’t feel understood, because It isolates us from others.

We chose friends who understand us, who get us. Yet sometimes, even our closest friends will totally miss what we are saying. I often feel that my cat, understands me the best.

As artists, we seek to be understood in our unique vision. Sometimes I am asked to explain my art. Most of it is quite literal, so I feel it does not require an explanation. I used to think that if I have to explain it is not a good piece. Now I realize, not everyone will get me.

Once, I had a painting of rocks covered with moss in an exhibit. During the opening, I saw a couple looking at my painting and I inched closer to hear what they were saying. One of them said, “What is that? The other said, “It looks like a large piece of broccoli.” 
I laughed.

Usually I prefer not to explain what the painting means or why I made it. In truth, I don’t always know.  I am happy to talk about how I made the painting or the materials used. The process is sometimes quite interesting. I live for the process, the act of creating in itself. 

The meaning I leave up to the viewer. What does it mean to you? What do you see in it?

The World in Black and White

The World in Black and White

The Lonely Egg Planets

The Lonely Egg Planets